This is a brief excerpt from the document you requested from IFAR’s Art Law & Cultural Property Database.

Country Summary for BRAZIL

I.  Relevant Legislation
II.  Regulated Cultural Property

I. Relevant Legislation
II. Regulated Cultural Property

'Archaeological or prehistoric monuments'—
(1) deposits of any kind, origin or purpose representing evidence of the culture of the paleoamerindian of Brazil, as well as prehistoric kitchen middens, man-made mounds or hills, burial shafts, graves, areas filled in with earth, vestiges of prehistoric villages;

(2) sites containing clear evidence of occupation by the paleoamerindians, such as caves, caverns, and rock shelters;

sites identified as cemeteries, graves, or long-term resting places or settlements, stopping places or huts containing human traces; and
rock inscriptions or places such as grooves made by polishing tools and other traces of paleoamerindian activity. (Law No. 3924, Art. 2)

'National historic and artistic heritage'
— totality of domestic material goods and real estate whose preservation is in the public interest, either through their association with memorable events in Brazil’s history or due to their exceptional archaeological or ethnographic, bibliographic or artistic value. (Decree-Law No. 25, Art. 1)
III. Export Restrictions
IV. Ownership Rights and Restrictions
V. Violations, Penalties and Sanctions
VI. International Conventions and Bilateral Agreements

III.  Export Restrictions

IV.  Ownership Rights and Restrictions

V.  Violations, Penalties and Sanctions

VI.  International Conventions and Bilateral Agreements
Click here to subscribe to IFAR's Art Law & Cultural Property Database to access this and other documents about U.S. and international legislation and case law concerning the acquisition, authenticity, export, ownership, and copyright of art objects.
Country Contact
for Cultural Property
Ministry of Culture
SCS - Quadra 09 - Lote C - Torre
Ed. Parque Cidade - 10º Andar
CEP: 70.308-200
Brazil, DF
Ph: (55 61) 2024 2640
F: (55 61) 2024 2503

National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN)
SEPS - Quadra 713/913
Bloco D
Edifício Iphan CEP 70390-135
Brasília/DF - Brazil
Ph: +55 61 2024-5517