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Country Summary for SEYCHELLES

I.  Relevant Legislation
II.  Regulated Cultural Property


‘Ancient Monument’—any building, ruin, pillar, statue, grave, or other site…or any remains thereof, which is known or believed to have been erected, constructed, or used before January 1, 1900. (SNIA § 49)


(a) ancient or National Monument;

(b) area of land which is of archaeological or historical interest or which contains objects of such interest;

(c) old building or other structure; and

(d) any other object (whether natural or constructed by man) of aesthetic, archaeological, historic, or scientific value or interest. (SNIA § 49)

‘National Institute’—the Seychelles National Institute for Culture, Heritage and the Arts. (SNIA § 2)

‘Public Archives’—

(a) all records which (i) are more than thirty years old; and (ii) are specified as being of enduring or historical value; and (iii) are in the custody of the Seychelles Archives;

(b) any printed Government publication in the Seychelles Archives;

(c) any document, book or other material acquired for the Seychelles Archives by the Curator;

(d) any document, other than records, having enduring or historical value which may be deposited temporarily or permanently in the Seychelles Archives. (SNIA§ 26)


(a) any fossil of any kind;

(b) any object of aesthetic, archaeological, historical, or scientific value or interest;

(c) any anthropological or archaeological contents of any monument. (SNIA § 49)

‘Secretary General’—Head and CEO of the National Institute. (SNIA § 6(1))



The monuments listed under Schedule 1 are declared to be national monuments. (SNIA § 54)

The National Institute shall make and maintain a register of all monuments and relics that it has acquired or which have been brought to its notice. (NMA Art. 4(2))

The Secretary General may declare any monument a National Monument. (SNIA §§ 6(1), 51(l))

Relevant State Agencies
National Institute for Culture, Heritage and the Arts

There is hereby established the following constituent institutions, under the supervision, administration and control of the National Institute:...

(c) the Seychelles National Archives;...

(e) the Seychelles National Heritage Resource Council;...

(g) the Seychelles National Museums. (SNIA § 16(1))

The functions of the National Institute are to:

(a) formulate policies for the identification, preservation, conservation, restoration, and promotion for the sustainable development of the creole culture, heritage and arts of Seychelles;

(b) advise the Government on policies on culture, heritage and the arts of Seychelles and ensure preservation of the Seychellois identity, culture, arts and heritage;...

(k) create, preserve and exhibit a national collection of Seychellois artworks;

(l) acquire, building, restore properties and artifacts of national, cultural and heritage importance relevant to the Seychellois culture heritage and the arts. (SNIA § 4)

National Heritage Resource Council

The function of the National Heritage Resource Council shall be to:

(a) identify, conserve, and promote the cultural heritage of Seychelles;

(b) conduct anthropological, archaeological and ethnographic studies;

(c) conduct inventories of heritage sites;...

(g) manage all heritage sites and identify potential sites having regard to their value to cultural tourism;...

(k) make a list of all monuments whose declarations as National Monuments it considers desirable;...

(m) purchase or otherwise acquire any monument or relic;

(n) take necessary measures to acquire…any threatened heritage site, structure or relic which may be located on private property or which is privately owned;...

(p) excavate any ancient monument and authorize any act it may deem necessary for the excavation, exploration, or safe preservation of any ancient monument or relic;...

(r) subject to the rights of any owner or occupier of property, do such things as may be necessary to facilitate the access of the public to any monuments, sites, structures or relics which is owned or controlled by the Government;...

(t) establish standards for the preservation, conservation and promotion of the cultural heritage of Seychelles. (SNIA § 51) 

National Museums

The functions of the National Museums are to:

(a) develop representative collections of historical, archaeological, natural and the cultural heritage of Seychelles;

(b) conserve material culture and specimens;...

(e) organize displays, exhibitions and other related activities in order to promote and inform the public on the historical, cultural and natural heritage of Seychelles. (SNIA § 61(2))

III.  Export Restrictions

IV.  Ownership Rights and Restrictions

V.  Violations, Penalties and Sanctions

VI.  International Conventions and Bilateral Agreements
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Country Contact
for Cultural Property
Ms. Cecile Kalebi
Principal Secretary
National Institute of Culture, Heritage & the Arts
Maison Esplanade, 4th Floor
Mahé, Seychelles

Mrs. Sophia Rosalie
Senior Policy Analyst
National Institute of Culture, Heritage & the Arts
Maison Esplanade, 4th Floor
Mahé, Seychelles
Tel: +248 4321333