Stolen Art Alert
Volume 5, No. 3
April 1984
Madison Avenue Recovery
— Lynn Stowell Pearson
IFAR participated in dramatic recovery of three Dutch still lifes, by Garnier and de Heem, reported missing, with two other unrecovered works, in June 1983. Fenton H. Caviness, Jr., and Robert Simpkins are charged. (See SAA, December 1983 and Jan./Feb. 1984.
East Germany Releases Works to Feininger's Son
— Bonnie Burnham
Lionel Feininger’s son Laurence and the East German government reach agreement on the disposition of 50 paintings. The case raises differences between the German and U.S. legal systems, as can also be seen in the ongoing case concerning the Tintoretto Holy Family with St. Catherine and a Donor, stolen from the Dresden Museum and seized by the FBI in 1979.
New York Dealer Charged With Fraud Scheme
— Linda E. Ketchum
Dennis R. Anderson accused of selling paintings without paying owners.
‘Social Register Burglaries’: Two Dealers Indicted
— Lynn Stowell Pearson
Michael Filides of Nordest Gallery of Boston and Anthony Ursillo, owner of Ocean State Coins in Providence, Rhode Island, accused in ‘Social Register Burglaries’ (see SAA, March/April 1984).
The Case of Gold Rubles
— Lynn Stowell Pearson
Russian émigrés Felix Prokapez, Feta Isakovich, Semyon Bumagin, and Garry Grudsky implicated in nationwide thefts of rugs, jewelry and cash.
Thefts In This Issue:
— Lynn Stowell Pearson
England: Persian tile stolen from Victoria and Albert Museum; France: Foujita, Woman and Child painting taken; Greece; Four wall frescoes stolen from church; California: Inventory by Crown Point Press augments reported, No. of missing Diebenkorn prints along with prints by Cage, Clemente, Thiebaud and Wiley. Police have a suspect. (See SAA, Jan./Feb. 1984.)
Still Missing
Frederic Remington bronze, Rattlesnake, missing since 1979.
Special Alert
Grutzner still life taken from the Chancellery, Bonn; 20 late-Picasso prints stolen from an art gallery in the Hague.
Bosa; Davidson; Eilshemius; Garnier; Guys; Heem; Henri; Magnasco; Maison; Monet; Pierce; Ribera; Simonetti paintings; Bella; Bellows; Bernini; Gonzaga; Jordaens; Lancret; Neyts; Reni; Rosa; Tiepolo prints and drawings; Russian icon.