Art Theft Archive Newsletter
Volume 1, No. 8
October 1979
No Ransom, Art Tossed onto Lot
— Ed Corsetti and Jim Morse
In Boston, thieves dump art treasures worth $3 million, including a Rembrandt, an El Greco and two Ming vases, because an insurance company failed to heed a ransom demand. The art works were considerably under-insured
Fine Arts - Should They Be Ransomed?
— Harold J. Smith
Insurance investigator Harold J. Smith comments on ransoming and the accelerating effect it might have on the recent surge of art thefts.
— B. Burnham
Six Old Master paintings reclaimed in Boston raise the issue of the place of rewards and negotiations in recovery operations. The only firm rule is that any negotiations to recover stolen art should be undertaken with the full participation of the police.
Bulletin: Art Thief
Phony decorator victimizes New York galleries.
UNESCO Convention
House Ways and Means Committee holds hearings on the UNESCO Convention on Cultural Property implementation bill (HR 3403) implementing bill.